Sunday, August 19, 2007

Update from the Nauti Nole Fish Camp

We've been at the Fish Camp for the past week and went off-shore three times. Monday it was just Frank and I(no fish). Thursday was Frank's brother Rich, his buddy Eddie, Frank and I(and again no fish). But it wasn't for lack of trying. And we tried almost everything!

Our friends Ken & Victoria (Nauti Gator) came over for the weekend to celebrate Ken's birthday. We were ready (and REALLY hoping) to catch some fish. Pulled away from the dock at 7AM and had a smooth ride out to the inlet. Found the bait (along with about 100 other boats), joined the frenzy and stocked the bait well. (This time we made sure the pump was on all the time.) Off to some spots where we've had luck in the past. And to make a long story short...Ken got his birthday wish...I mean fish! A big bull dolphin chomped down on one of the outrigger baits. We were able to get some live-action video and with great efforts from the Captain and crew, landed a big darn fish in the boat!! We were all very excited! Then Victoria got a bite from a schoolie and reeled it in! While were were hoping for more, we were very happy with the catch. After trying a few different locations with no luck, decided that it would be a good idea to head back in before the afternoon storms rolled through.

So, in the end, it was a great week at the fish camp!

Happy birthday, Ken!

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