Thursday, February 14, 2008

Update since last post

Our apologies for the long time since our last post. We have been enjoying the trip thus far and have seen some beautiful cities and towns.
We continue to head south along the western side of the Chilean coast. Being in the Pacific, the waters have been rather rough. We're going to start calling this the 'rock and roll' cruise because quite a number of the passengers are as old as rocks (and move at the same pace) and we roll throughout the corridors. :o) Fortunately, we are now inside the fjords and the waters are calmer.
We continue to meet many nice people (passengers and crew) on the cruise and have done well with our eating strategy (eat 1/3 and switch).
Unfortunately, the internet connection on the ship is only slightly faster than the US Postal Service so it has been difficult to post pictures, but we will keep trying. And when we are 'at sea', everyone is either in the computer lab or doing laundry. (Like I said, we are meeting many nice people.) :)

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