Sunday, March 2, 2008

Randomly selected photos - Glacier Alley to Ushuaia

Our apologies for the lack of photos and updates since we disembarked the ship. Unfortunately, the technology and time did not permit. So, here are a few pictures from our travels at the point we left off from the last posting of photos.
The sign says we are at the end of Rt 3 (aka the Pan-American highway) which runs from Alaska to Ushuaia, Argentina. Ushuaia is the last major port and gateway to Antarctica. Strange thing about the mountain in the next photo...from the top to the treeline (the bald part) is owned by Chile and the rest is claimed by Argentina.

Why would we post a picture of dead trees, you ask? Way back when Ushuaia was settled, the wise people thought it would be the perfect place for beavers and a way to develop an industry of beaver fur. Well, without any known predators, the beavers have not only thrived, they continue to multiply and destroy the forests by building dams which block the water getting to the trees and land. The destruction below was done in only 2 short years.

It was an interesting visit to the Falkland Islands. How nice to hear the words, 'Good Morning', in English after a week or more of mostly Spanish and Spanish accents. Our tour took us through only a small portion of the large island and along the way, the guide pointed out the beach areas that are restricted because there are still LIVE LAND MINES!

A fun stop along the way in the F.I. was to the home of a local 'character'. Not only does he have several whale skeletons in his yard, but also this very alive reindeer! No lawnmower needed if you have a reindeer or sheep.
During one of our sea days, the Master Carver (and 2 apprentices) did a carving demonstration. Absolutely amazing what you can do with fruit and vegetables!

Amazing glaciers in "Glacier Alley", Chilean Fjords.

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