Thursday, June 19, 2008

End of fishing season - final report.

We got an early start this morning, filled with anticipation and looking forward to ending our fishing season in Stuart on a positive note with many fish to bring home.

Given the direction the winds had been blowing, our plan was to go north. We saw several boats, a few birds and bait fish breaking the surface. But after about 20 minutes of trying, they just didn't want to bite. We heard a local charter captain say he found bait to the south. So we changed direction. Sure enough, there was plenty of bait and we were able to beat the rush of other boats. We were successful in getting a dozen or so sardines, fortunately before a barracuda took our rig/weight and then headed out.

We drifted for a bit with some of the live bait and before we knew it, a fish hit! Frank had a tough one on his hands. And a little while later when he got the fish to the boat, we could see that it was only a bonita. Fun for the charter captains and their customers because they provide a little fight, but not worth us keeping it.

We stuck with our original plan and headed deep. We came across a few weeds and drifted for a few hours. No luck. And the chatter on the radio was minimal too.

Then came the afternoon storms. The black clouds and sheets of rain seemed to be heading our way. So, we pulled in the lines, battened down the hatches and made our way toward the Inlet. Wouldn't you know, not a drop of rain all the way back to the condo nor at any time during the rest of the afternoon.

All in all, it was a good season. Not as much fish-catching as there was last year, but then again, it
was pretty slow for others around here. We got the boat rigged the way Captain Frank wanted, we got our "system" down (from set-up to clean-up) and we did catch a few keepers and sails along the way!

Now, we pack things up and head to NC to spend time with family, friends and work towards decreasing our golf scores.

Thanks for joining us on this leg of our adventure. Stay tuned for updates!

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