Saturday, July 26, 2008

Been busy around here!

My apologies for the delay in updating the blog. The week has flown by!
Monday started bright and early with water aerobics. One of the participants dared to bring a camera and the attendant was kind enough to capture our mostly-synchronized class.
Later that morning, I traveled to Johnson City, TN to see Sherry and her little girl, and to get a 'real' shopping fix. When all you've got is Walmart and Kmart, it's easy to go into withdrawal. Sherry and I had a great visit and I was able to get my fill of big stores (Target, Pier 1, Bed Bath & Beyond, Stein Mart, etc.) Rest assured, there was a lot of looking and only a little buying. Frank's been keeping to his commitment of playing lots of golf, sometimes with new friends and several times with his brother, Ray.
Tuesday was Ladies Day on the golf course and I had a chance to get out. I started out playing really well... until the last hole. I had the best drive ever and then it was downhill from there. Eight strokes later and I could finally call it done. When I got back, Frank indicated that he had found some stones for putting around the water feature. (It's in an area that doesn't get any sun or water, so we thought it prudent to put rocks.) Given the schedule for the rest of the week, we thought it best to get the rocks that afternoon. What an adventure! We pulled in to the parking lot and no one was around. No sooner did we close the car doors than several people came out. There was an older man (looked like Grizzly Adams), a skinny woman with bleached-hairsprayed hair, not many teeth and lots of make-up and then 2 boys probably around 12 and 15. If you listened closely enough, you could hear the banjoes! But, I digress. We picked out the pallet of rocks and Grizzly drove them to the house and dumped them in the driveway. Fortunately, there was still a bit of daylight and Frank was off to meet Ray for golf. So, I spent a little time getting some rocks in place. (I was so excited to get things started that I violated my own rule and forgot to take a 'before' picture.)

Wednesday morning, I was back at water aerobics. The rest of the morning was spent supervising the contractor who was installing shower doors and the electrician who was going to install an outlet for our new water feature. The doors turned out great! (Still a pain to clean, but they show off the new bathrooms fabulously! And that afternoon, I moved more rocks from one space to the other.

Another little side 'project' I've had is to attract more hummingbirds to our deck. I found 3 different styles of feeders, but the one they like best has a little piece of wire that lets the little fellas perch while they sip. They are amazing to watch! Their little wings go so fast and if you're outside or have the windows open, the humming of their wings is quite loud. They are most active mid-morning and late afternoon (cocktail hour). There are several different types that visit. My favorite is the one with a green head and red neck, but there are also some that are a little more plain with brown heads and white chests (kind of like they are wearing a tuxedo).

Thursday we decided we could get the rocks finished before our friends Rick & Joanne arrived that evening. The area turned out great and we are very happy!Hard to believe that it's been a month since we last saw Rick & Joanne! And this was a great opportunity to get the FSU-North Miami High gang together. Ron & Lynne and Ray & Bonnie joined us all for dinner that evening. Everyone had so much in common and it turned into a reunion of sorts with most of the group reminiscing about people they went to school with, lived near or new. Although I didn't know who they were talking about, it was nice to see how much fun everyone was having.

On Friday morning, Frank, Rick, Ray & Doug played golf while Joanne and I contributed to the Boone economy. :) We met the guys for lunch and then returned home to get ready for the evening's fun. The same crew that had dinner Thursday night had tickets to the Concert on the lawn at Chetola. This was the Charlotte Orchestra doing a casual concert. We packed the chairs, tables, cooler and grub and headed out. After a short walk, we secured the perfect spot and set up shop. We were quite casual compared to some of the participants. (There was one table with white linen table cloths, silver candelabra, huge display of flowers, etc.) Nonetheless, we had a great time! The weather cooperated (a bit chilly after the sun went down), the music delightful and the fireworks unbelievable! (Unfortunately, I forgot the camera in the car so I'm having to wait for pictures.)

While the week was a busy one, we had a great time and were fortunate enough to spend it with some really special people!

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