Saturday, May 9, 2009

Birthday weekend - Girls Rule Fishing Tourney

One of our goals this fishing season was to enter several tournaments. And as it turned out, the "Lady Angler" tourney was the same weekend as my birthday.
We attended the Captain's meeting/party on Friday. And we met some really nice people! Unfortunately, they did better at the raffles, but that was more incentive to work toward the angler awards.

Saturday morning....We were set for a 6AM departure from the dock.
Captain Pete (our mate for the day) and Captain Frank (my mate). Dang, they look good with their coordinating shirts and sun-protective buffs. We are sure to catch fish today!
Yes, this is the moon as we are leaving the channel, entering the St. Lucie River.

Our objective was to hit the inlet by 6:30AM and then run south-east a bit and be ready to have our lines in at 7:30AM. But, our plan was foiled! The *&^%-ing railroad bridge was down! We were stuck on the 'wrong side of the tracks' for nearly 30 minutes and 2 trains!

Finally! The bridge opened...everyone and their mother was anxious to get out to fish!

Sunrise on the St. Lucie River.
Lots of anglers ready to hit the open water!

Captain Pete and Me watching the lines and getting ready to tackle some fish!
(Because it was a Lady Angler Tourney, I was the only one allowed to reel in the fish.) We were ready for a busy day!

Fish On!!! Actually, two fish were on within 30 seconds. Pete clearing the lines to make way for boating this pair of dolphin!

We had to have our lines out at 2:30 and then head to the weigh-in. We were excited to report that we had fish to contribute! (Not many could do so.)

Oh yeah! At the time this picture was taken, I was in first place for Dolphin at 15.3 pounds...beating the previous entry by 2 ozs!
Yep, we returned home with 2 dolphin in the box!
Me and my crew, represented at the Awards Banquet. (We clean up pretty well.)

This was a neat experience and I'm glad we decided to enter. We've met some interesting folks who are interested in fishing, boating and traveling. (I hope we will get to spend time with them again.)
Debbie and Brian, Debbie and Steve, Frank, me and Capt. Pete.
Not to mention endless glasses of wine, a yummy meal and dessert! (We deserved it!)

Drum roll, please.........
(Something happened and the 'official' award pictures didn't make it to the camera so this will have to suffice.)
My 15.3 pound dolphin garnered me Third Place and a pretty cool trophy/sculpture!
Thank you, Frank for an 'award winning' birthday. :o)

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