Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Patience pays off! - (Updated to include video 3/25/10)

After yesterday's fishing trip, I decided that going forward, I'm not going to predict and 'publicly announce' what we will catch but rather report what kind of day we had.

And so, here is today's report.

We awoke to the sounds of the train whistle and immediately groaned. This sound means the railroad bridge is down and it goes up on it's own schedule. Past experience has told us it can be one train or maybe three trains. We heard one more whistle as we were leaving the dock and crossed our fingers it was the last one.

It was a beautiful morning and based on the forecast, were expecting low winds and calm seas.

We reached the bridge and...

Fortunately it we didn't have too long of a wait before we could make our way down the river.

By the time we got out the inlet, we could see it was a bit choppier than we anticipated, but it wasn't going to deter us.

We headed to the bait spot and caught a few right away. They were the same hornbellies we caught yesterday so after getting a few in the livewell, we headed to a different reef. No luck there so we went further east and a little deeper and found exactly what we were looking for...sardines! They are like candy to the bigger fish.

We didn't think there was a need to venture out too far since yesterday we came across a promising area about 120 feet deep. It is area commonly known as "Sailfish Alley".

We got the baits out and just as I was getting the camera set, Frank announced something was after one of our baits!

It was a beautiful sailfish! He jumped, fought, came close, swam away, but was still hooked!

Frank had lots of fun with the first one of the season! (We aren't fans of bringing sailfish into the boat but we did get him close enough for a few pictures before releasing him.)
We put more baits out and made a few more drifts through Sailfish Alley and this time, a dolphin was interested in our bait. It wasn't much of a fight, but I had fun and we got it into the box without any incident (or much bloodshed).
We continued to drift for a while but no further luck so we decided to relocate and troll for a while. Only one bite and we weren't sure what it was, but it was pretty crafty as it stripped the bait without getting hooked.

The winds really didn't settle down today, but we've gotten to where we can handle it, do what we need to do and catch fish.

Hopefully we'll have as good or better a day fishing the next time we go out.

Congratulations on your sail, Frank! :o)

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