Friday, July 15, 2011

Have they fallen off the face of the earth??

No, but we have been busy.  If we were the type to Tweet our updates, it would probably look something like this:

 - Returned from Spain trip.  Did three weeks worth of laundry.  Created photobook from trip in one day to take advantage of a special deal.  Caught up on mail, bills, doctor appointments and chores.  Was reminded what grocery shopping and house keeping is all about.
 - Attended a very fun 60's-themed neighborhood birthday party.
 - Trip to Tallahassee to buy vehicle that will tow and can be towed.  And to visit Ron & Lynne before he starts his treatments.
 - From Frank:  Spent a few days in Stuart.  Got the boat out of storage and into the shop for annual service.  Decided to have bottom repainted while it was out.
 - From Leann:  While Frank in Stuart, attacked project list in Tampa including replacing faucet in one of the bathrooms (with 3 trips to Home Depot).  Scrubbed lanai inside and out.  Found the tribe of pygmies living in the front flower bed. 
 - Checked on status of TeePee.  (Has been in shop for 2 months for new TVs, some minor fixes and installation of contraption in order to tow vehicle.)  Required multiple trips.
 - Day trip to visit Frank's mom to organize, have lunch and take care of some banking.
 - Numerous hours spent planning for the not-too-far-away football season.  TeePee will be in Tallahassee for home games, but there are 3 games (including a bye week) where we will be on the road!  This will be a true test of our relationship!   Four weeks starting and ending in Tallahassee, with stays in Clemson, Charleston, Myrtle Beach, Rock Hill, Winston-Salem, and Raleigh.
 - Back to Stuart to put the boat back in the water and take advantage of the weather to fish.

So there you have it.  Nothing picture-worthy, but an update of what's been happening since the last post.