Friday, March 9, 2012

Normally, during this time of year.....

Normally, during this time of year.....We would be traveling (to some far away destination) or maybe spending time in Stuart catching big fish, stocking our freezer and our friends' freezers!

But so far, there really hasn't been too much 'normal' in 2012.  (And the neighbors are really confused too with us being home so much!)

At the beginning of the year, we started planning a trip to the Wild West with the TeePee, leaving from Tallahassee in mid-April after the spring scrimmage game.  A tentative route included time in New Orleans, Ft Worth, Amarillo, Albuquerque, Flagstaff, Las Vegas, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Colorado, Missouri and end up back in Tallahassee.  The trip would be 6 weeks on the road, exploring the wonders of our own country, fly home and be there for a month, and then fly back to get the TeePee and spend 5 more weeks making the return trip.

Talk of increasing fuel prices along with some other considerations involving the motorhome, and well, we decided to scale back and do the trip the old fashioned way...planes, trains, automobiles and hotels.  So now, our trip will begin and end in Denver and we'll spend 4 weeks taking in all the sights and experiences the Wild West has to offer.

Our time in Stuart has been nearly non-existent.  We've fished 3 times since the beginning of the year.  Here we had all this work done (new top, new cushions, etc) and haven't been able to enjoy it.  In some cases, the schedule (basketball, appointments, continuing education classes, etc.) has precluded us spending time at the fishcamp. But while the weather has been relatively nice (temperature-wise and little rain), the winds have been horrendous....for many days in a row!  (For those not familiar with wind/ocean combination, high winds make for big waves which is pretty much a recipe for a very unpleasant boating/fishing experience.)  Sure hope we remember what to do the next time we are able to get out.

Since the last post, we've also spent a lot of time with Frank's family.  His mom had a few falls (thankfully didn't break anything) but ended up in the hospital.  She's not diabetic but has suffered kidney disease for a number of years and now her kidneys are approaching 'end stage'.  Her body might not be operating at 100%, but she knows what she wants and doesn't want and she has opted not to have any invasive/aggressive treatment.  Hey, she's 88 years old and if she says she doesn't want something, well damn it we're going to support her, making sure she's safe and comfortable!  She's currently in rehab with twice daily physical therapy sessions, getting her strength back so she can return to the comforts and familiar surroundings of her apartment and friends.

Timing worked out well as Frank's nephew from Portland had planned a while back for a visit to Florida and we also spent time with the DelRay Joneses.

And a day after visiting with the east-coast family, Allison and Andrea came to Florida for a college friend's wedding!  The last time they were home was Christmas 2009.  Fortunately, they arrived a few days early, enabling them to spend some time with Nan and come to Tampa (for about 24 hours) and see friends from school days).  It was great having them here!

We are going to Stuart soon for a concert, but it doesn't look like the weather and schedule are going to cooperate for fishing.

So there you have it.  Perhaps this is our new normal.

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