Sunday, January 6, 2008

Bucs go to a Playoff game!

Everyone has been so excited about the Bucs making the Playoffs and having a game against the Giants at home. Today's weather was perfect for tailgating and as usual, the menu spectacular or "decadent" as the case may be. Our Bucstailg8 crew was there early and our 4 tent village was set up in no time. Lots of good food, fun activities and camaraderie!

Eric and Kyle.
Dining room's full!
Our culinary choices are always the envy of all the other tailgates nearby!
Another view of the dining room.
Chris gets a round of beer pong started early!
(Dawn, Devon, Bobby and Jessica - spectators or competition?) Joe and RayDrew is so excited about his first game of beer pong with Chris and Jenn! Kobi the Wonderdog
Eric, Dawn and Jay enjoying beverages. Two Gators under a Nole (Bobby and Jessica).
This tailgate definitely raised the bar to new heights. Unfortunately we'll have to wait until next season...the Bucs lost and thus ends the season. But, they got farther than they did last year so maybe we'll get some good games in the fall. Until then...we'll try to get together during the off-season.

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