We are doing just fine without the parents around. After picking up Chris and Nate from school, we did a little "Eye Spy" on the way home and decided to stop at the playground. The weather was perfect and they needed to run off a little more energy, in spite of running 8 laps at school for the 'art in school' fundraiser today. We did some monkey bars, merry-go-round and slides, and then it was time to head home. We surprised Frank by coming 'the other way' down the block. :)
When we got home it was just about time for lunch and I had a surprise for them...we were having peanut butter sandwiches, but with a twist. They got to select a cookie cutter from the bag and cut their own shapes: bat, pumpkin, ghost, turkey, acorn and leaf. It was fun to see how many shapes we could get out of two sandwiches!
After lunch and a few more rounds of Connect 4, it was time for another little project the boys could help with. We worked in teams and found pictures of the things on the grocery list. The boys did a great job of cutting out the pictures and taping them to the list. It was a big help when Uncle Frank went to the grocery store.

After nap and a little snuggle time, we spent some time outdoors. It was very pleasant and sunny. We tossed the football around for a little while, but since I throw like a girl, we weren't getting to far. So we decided we would do a some hopscotch. I drew the boxes and the boys did most of the numbers. ("Two is a hard one.")
A man pulling a boat stopped outside where we were playing and wanted to show the boys his catch. It was a huge sturgeon! He said it was about 75 pounds! Don't see that too often - at least not in Florida.

It was time for a snack so we headed back inside. And Auntie had another surprise for them. Because of helping with the grocery list, they knew we were going to do 'Make Your Own Pizza' for dinner. But, they have been missing a key piece of equipment for working in the kitchen. They needed aprons! They were a little skeptical at first, but once we got the markers out and they could draw whatever they wanted, they really warmed up to the idea. And yes, I was going to take another picture. :o)

Frank distracted them with a few more rounds of Connect 4 while I got things ready for dinner. Allison joined us and everyone got to put exactly what they wanted on their pies. Chris and Nate donned their new aprons and got to work fashioning their crust. Not too bad..the flour was pretty well contained to the chopping block. From the kitchen we moved to the dining room where they could dress it with all sorts of yummy goodies (olives, pepperoni, spinach, mushrooms, cheese and onions). Everyone seemed to have a good time! They all turned out great! And now they boys can say they ate a whole pizza (almost).

Kitchen cleaned up and the boys spent some chill-time downstairs with Uncle Frank. Time flies when you're having fun because before we knew it, it was time for baths. Although was a bit taken aback when Nate announced as he was putting on his pajamas, "I'm going commando!", with a big fat grin on his face. Hmmm, wonder where he learned that phrase? After two stories, it was time to head for bed. Everyone hopped into his bed and nary a peep.
Time to call it a day. Tomorrow morning will be here early!