Sunday, June 7, 2009

Time in Tampa

Over the past few weeks, Frank's been brewing on an idea: He wanted to see if "The Beast" (Excursion) would fit in the garage.

I suggested measuring both the vehicle and garage, but where's the fun in that??

So, Saturday morning, we cleared the garage and proceeded with the experiment.
The "pulling straight in" method left about 2 feet of "The Beast" hanging out.
And so the jockeying began. Surely if he parked it on an angle, it would fit.
(Again, no measuring.)
It was inside! But was it in far enough for the door to close?
While "The Beast" was in the garage and the door closed, the photographer was trapped in the corner of the garage!

All in all, it was a fun experiment, but the garage won't be "The Beast's" permanent parking spot.

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