Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Raindrops, rainbows and a bee on my bonnet = fish in the box!

Because of the weather forecast (rain), we decided to leave a little later than usual this morning.  As we were heading down the channel, some neighbors were heading back in.  He said the railroad bridge was down and it would probably be quite a while before it opened again.    That's just great!  We could potentially be stuck on the wrong side of the tracks and not be able to fish!  But we headed that direction anyway.  We figured we could kill a little time getting fuel.

Luck was on our side!  Just as we were approaching the bridge, we saw the railroad bridge open!  Woohoo!  We opted to get on the other side of the bridge for fuel, just in case it closed again. 

Out the inlet we went with a few raindrops hitting the windshield. We tried a few of our usual spots for bait, but no luck.  But we did see some very pretty rainbows! 
From previous fishing trips we heard there were fish to the south.  So we headed toward Jupiter and set up for trolling.  Shortly after we started heading north, Frank got a phone call from our friends who we are visiting next week in the Keys.  Well about 5 minutes after hanging up with Bob, we got our first hits!  A double dolphin hook up!  We cleared the lines and we were able to get one in the box.  The one on my line spit out the hook.  (Too bad because it was a really big dolphin!)

We resumed trolling operations and about 20 minutes later, got another bite!  It was another big dolphin.  Frank worked for a while to bring it to the boat and we got it in the box with the first.  By this time we were very pleased with our catch.

During the time we were trolling, a bee landed on a piece of equipment.  I shooed it away or so I thought.  At one point during my time at the helm, I put my hands on my head and yowza!  Guess where that bee landed?  Yep, the top of my hat.  Fortunately we had some bee sting stuff on the boat.  That stuff works like a charm!  And it's a good thing because it wasn't too long after that I reeled in another dolphin. 
It was getting late in the afternoon so we decided to call it a day.

Guess what we met with on our way in?  Yep, the railroad bridge was down.  Frank decided to make good use of the time and was able to clean two out of the three fish, saving the BIG one for last. 
All in all it was a great day of catching and good practice for our trip to the Keys next week!

Guess this is an early Happy Birthday fish for Frank since we won't be fishing on his birthday!

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