Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 6 of Frank's Birthday Week

We learned early on in the trip our good friends Ken and Victoria would not be able to come down as originally planned.   And actually, it probably worked out best because when we looked at the weather forecast for Friday and Saturday, it was going to be very windy and not comfortable fishing weather.

So, we made plans to fish on Thursday, pull the boat and start packing on Friday and head back to Stuart on Saturday.
Bridge over Tavernier Creek.

Since we fished the night before, we planned to leave mid-morning.  And, the winds were expected to pick up in the afternoon.  Captain Frank wasn't interested in going all the way to the Hump but had a plan to stay between 150' and 250'.

After a few hours with nary a nibble, Bob suggested we turn right and go that way for a while. Wasn't anything to lose, so we turned right. Shortly after that, I suggested we eat. (In a lot of cases, but not all, it usually happens that as soon as we start to enjoy our lunch, we get a strike.) Sure enough, two bites into our Cuban sandwiches, and a line starts to sing. It was Rich's turn to fight and he got a pretty good workout. he was finally able to get the fish to the boat and it looked like a black fin tuna!

We continued to troll around for a while longer and we got another bite! It was my turn this time and I was really looking forward to a good fight because I needed the practice for the Lady Angler tournament coming up on May 8th. Once we got it to the boat, it was another what looked like a black fin.
We trolled south for a while as Frank wanted to go under the bridge by Holiday Isle and get on the bay side before it got uncomfortably windy.

While it wasn't "the best fishing day/trip ever", we didn't get skunked.
Rich and his catch.

After dinner and another round of "Left, Right, Center" we called it a day.  Friday was going to be a busy day getting things packed up.

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