Saturday, May 29, 2010

Living up to our name (blog name, that is). Part I

Since the last post, we have been crazy traveling!  We left Stuart and headed to Tampa for a few days where we needed to trade our fishing duds for something a bit spiffier.

From Tampa we were going to Atlanta for Stephanie (Frank's neice) and Jermaine's wedding.  It was going to be a reunion of sorts - Allison recently returned from India, Andrea lives and works in Atlanta, both their aunts and several cousins were going to be there as well. 
It seemed like we went from one eating opportunity to the next!  But since it was a festive occasion and we were out of town, all the 'bad stuff' got cancelled out.

Stephanie did an amazing job with her "big day"!  No detail was left out, all i's dotted and t's crossed, she looked beautiful and Jermaine, very handsome!  (I'm going to take the easy way out and provide a link to the wedding coordinator's blog.) 

"Love you like a fat kid loves cake."
Another of Stephanie's perfect touches on the cake table.

Congratulations, Stephanie and Jermaine!!

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