Our travels took us up I-75 and across the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. We've traveled the bridge numerous times, but never in a motorhome!
Sunshine Skyway Bridge |
Top of the bridge |
A pretty amazing view out the front window. |
We pulled into the 'hood without incident. Had just a few hours to get provisions and set up things before the neighbors arrived.
Because the road wasn't level we weren't comfortable opening the slides. So it made for no-more-than-two-people at a time tour.
Our driving school tips and tricks came in handy! We had to back the coach into the spot, IN THE DARK. But Frank did a great job and put it in the spot just like we were taught! (Thanks Barney!)
The shakedown trip was a success and we have a list of things that need to be fixed. All in all, it was good.
The last step....get it from Tampa to Jupiter and we will have been full-circle.
Still accepting entries for the "Name the Coach" contest. Send them to leannmooretpa (at) aol (dot) com.