Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 1 in Boca Chica

Some technology hiccups have prevented computer access for a few days....along with very full days of fishing. With out further adieu, we begin the Chronicles of the Bay Crest Buddies in Boca Chica:

Six very excited people at the 'little airport' in Panama City, after we've checked our bags (all weighing less than 30 pounds), confessed our weight and age and convinced the nice guy in line behind us to delay his check-in a few more minutes to take our picture.
A view of the Panama coastline along the Pacific from the puddle-jumper.

Donna, proprietor-extraordinaire of the Gone Fishing Panama Resort, greeting us at the airport. Little did she know what she was in for!
A view of the landscape on our ride from David (pronounced Da-Veed) to Boca Chica. Who knew Panama had so many mountains??
Victoria, Ken and Lily wasted no time before hopping into the vanishing edge pool overlooking the lagoon below the resort. Ahhhh, so nice!
El Barko (the boat). Fortunately, this is the smaller boat used to taxi us to various locations around Boca Chica, not the one we would use to go 20+ miles offshore. Yes, that's a hammock in the boat. Surprised not to see Frank in it?
The evening began with a cocktail at sunset.
Dinner our first night was 'surf and turf'. We stocked up on the turf part before departing for Boca Chica and feasted on African lobster. Delicious!

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