Friday, September 11, 2009

Tailgating - Florida State vs Miami

The first game of the FSU season was a Monday night (Labor Day) against Miami. We were all very excited about the game because we were going to see people we hadn't seen in a while, eat good food and have a good time!
The inaugural tailgate with 'The Beast'.
All the necessary tailgate gear fit perfectly and unloading was a breeze.
We've got 3 sweet parking spots, thanks to Frank, Rick & Ray! Lots of room to spread out and be comfortable. Eric & Kari (now avid tailgaters for the Falcons and some Auburn games) brought 'The Bird'. We had dueling TVs, generators, and VuQubes! All that's missing is the air conditioner!

A view inside the tents. Frank, Tim & Rick watching the game in the shade.

Every tailgate has a theme and this game was "Very Miami" (Cuban). All that was missing were some Miami Vice shots. :) Everything was delicious!

Even the salad gets dressed in FSU colors for the tailgate!

Leann & Joanne - Organizers Extraordinaires!

Lots of familiar faces dropped in for a visit!
Katie, Tim & Matt catching up. (Matt was FSU's star pitcher last season. He is now with the Cincinnati Reds, but is back in school for the fall semester.)
Donna, Ruben (our neighbors from when we all lived in Southwood), Frank, Joanne & Rick.
Yes, we do allow and even invite opposing team fans to our tailgate. Makes it all the more fun!
This year's tailgate game: putting green with the Caddyshack Gopher that pops up when you make the putt and offers words of encouragement. A hit with all the golfers in the group.

Some of the young 'uns. Love their 'disposable coolers' - beer in a bag of ice or ice in a 12-pack of beer! Very creative and it all goes in the garbage when done.

A wonderful surprise visit from the Blackwells!
Janie, Bill Wilmot, Leann, Duey and Frank

More scenes from the tailgate.

New friends we met at the Wilmot's (see entry below) who we will see again in Utah!
Chris, Bill, Leann, Bryan and Frank
We had A LOT of people stop by the tailgate, but these were all we could corral for the obligatory group picture.
All in all, it was a great tailgate!

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