Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fun with Cousins in Charlotte

What a fun way to spend a few hours in Charlotte!

Aunt Margaret (Dad's sister) and most of her kids/grands live in Charlotte. And since I was going there to pick Frank up from the airport, I thought it would be a great opportunity to continue my new year's resolution (to reconnect with family and friends).

Unfortunately, the notice/warning that I was going to be in town was very short and not everyone could be there (cousin John). But the families were well-represented!

Bill (cousin), Betsy, Will and Sarah. Marian, (cousin John working), Josh, Andrew, TJ and Charlotte and Aunt Margaret.
Sarah, Bill, Betsy, Leann, Will, Aunt Margaret and Charlotte (front)
TJ, Josh, Andrew and Marian (back)
Uncle Bill knows how to fix ice cream cones!
Sarah and Aunt Margaret eye TJ's very tall cone!
Oh yeah!
Lots of sibling love....TJ, Andrew and Charlotte
It was a fun time and I look forward to getting together again!

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