Friday, September 17, 2010

Because some people are addicted....

to our blog, here's an update.

I've recently learned that some of our followers are addicted to our blog and YEARN for what is happening in the lives of the Crazy Travelers. 

Ok, you asked for it.  Let me tell you, it aint' all bon-bons and Oprah!

We've been in Tampa since returning from Oklahoma.  And while we we're home we've dealt with things like:

 - Frank's mom being moved from rehab in Lake Wales back to her apartment.  (She's 87 years old and fell a few weeks ago, dislocating her shoulder.  Fortunately, nothing was broken.  But when something like this happens, it takes her a long time to recover.)  Frank and his siblings have all worked together to make sure she is getting the care and help she needs while in the hospital, rehab and back at her apartment. 

 - We've had a frustrating infestation of millipedes.  I have no idea how they are getting into the house, but they are.  I've obsessed over watching the doors and never see one cross the threshold.  But sure as sh*t when I turn away, there is one in the middle of the room!  The bug guy has been out every three days to try and rid the house of them.  Hope his latest magic potion does the trick!

 - The lawn guys had their blades set too low and destroyed the plumbing line cleanout cap.  But, nothing a trip to Home Depot won't solve.

 - And speaking of the lawn, after a morning walk, I noticed a large amount of sand in the gutter.  Upon further inspection, I noticed a huge hole where the sprinkler head should be.  It was broad daylight and I needed a flashlight to see where things were in this hole.  Fortunately, the sprinkler head was still there but had completely separated from the line.  A quick call to our fabulous sprinkler guy and we were back in business.    Thanks, Harry!

 - Many of you loyal followers are familiar with The Beast.   Well, while we were in NC, our dear friends at home, were borrowing it.  Sadly it left Victoria stranded at the car wash one day.  But after calling AAA and replacing the batteries it was good as new...or so we thought.  Turns out, there was an issue with oil getting into the cooling system (not the A/C system, but the engine cooling system.) After having it towed to the dealer and an estimate, the diagnosis was not terminal, but close to it.  Needless to say, there will be some decisions being made relatively soon regarding the "all-purpose vehicle" we use for tailgating and boat hauling.

 - On a positive note, the house in Boone, is SOLD!!!  Now this will free us to do more crazy traveling!

Stay tuned.  It's a football weekend and there is bound to be pictures from tailgating and the game!